Committing to Fitness, Achieving your Goals

A few weeks ago I made the decision to start my own fitness business.  I researched the company the products they offered, benefits and history.  Just as I would have had I been accepting a job offer from another company.

When all these things looked amazing, I decided to jump in.  I became an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  Beachbody is the company that produces at home workouts such as P90x, Insanity, Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam they are also the creaters of the meal replacement shake Shakeology.

I have so many things to tell you that I’m going to have to spread it out over a few posts!  Keep your eyes open for posts with detailed reviews on Shakeology, Brazil Butt Lift and the coaching opportunity.  For now, I’m going to tell you the RESULTS I’ve seen after only 9 days!

When I last posted I was down to 152, after that I had a rough couple weeks some of my motivation waned and I gave myself excuses to not making exercise the a must during my day and taking small bites here and there of foods I shouldn’t have.  My excuses included all the normal, we were visiting with out of town guests, it was my birthday, I have lots of school work….you get the idea.  I went against all my own best advice and gained 3lbs.

So, last Monday there I was with new resolve.  I was committed to my business being a success, of not getting off track again so that I could be there to help others and be apart of working towards Beachbody’s mission to end the trend in obesity.

To mark this date, I’ve decided to start tracking my weight loss from this point. I will still post how much I started at when I first opened this blog because with out support I wouldn’t have gotten to this point.  I wouldn’t have realized how import fitness is if I hadn’t had support.  I have found even more support and motivation in the other Beachbody coaches I work with.  I really can’t say enough wonderful things about this company!

But, let’s get to the results!

Starting Weight:  177
Weight Day 1 of Brazil Butt Lift and Shakeology:  155

TODAY:  149

YES!  That is 6lbs lost in only 9days.  FINALLY, under 150, FINALLY only 15lbs to go!  I can’t tell you how accomplished and even more motivated I am that my dedication and hard work are paying off.

I have been doing the Brazil Butt Lift Slim and Lift program and drinking Shakeology, usually for lunch sometimes for breakfast.   I’ve had tools to find more information, recipes from’s VIP club.  Not to mention the motivation and support I get from my coach and all the other coaches on my team!

More to the results this Monday when I measured I had already LOST almost 3inches!  Including 1/2 an inch from my waist, hips AND each thigh!

Because my biggest excuse for not exercising was time, with two children under the age of 2, school work and other errands my days pass pretty quickly and saying you are going to exercise IF you have time just isn’t going to get it done.  I have jumped on the bandwagon of morning exercise and get up at 6am so that I have time to workout, shower and a moment to myself before Fallyn and Dominic wake up.   I am not a morning person but man, this is the best way to do it!  You don’t have to think about exercising all day, you have more energy and your metabolism is revved up!  Not to mention the amazing results I’m getting!!!

Message, email, call text or leave a comment for me or visit my sites for more information!